Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
A team of immigrant farmworkers clean the remains of a harvested cauliflower field near Coachella, Ca.

Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
As dawn breaks over Huron, the workday begins. At 5am, buses come to take the workers to the fields. Many are undocumented, and so are fearful of revealing their identities.Twice each year, when lettuce is harvested in the area, the population doubles and Huron becomes a Grand Central terminal for the migrant workforce. Laborers gather in the main street where buses line up to take them to the fields. Some are on contract, but many just hope for a shift each day. Gang members know that workers without bank accounts carry large amounts of cash, and robberies are common. It was oncedescribed as "knife-fight city," due the evening activitiesof some migrants who descend on the city. Huron, the "Heart of the Valley,"is a city of 5,900 in western Fresno county with six bars, five gangs and a famous drug alley.

Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Just outside of Huron, the mainly undocumented migrant workforce takes the back- breaking work of lettuce picking, which earns on average six to eight dollars an hour. California's Central Valley offers at least seasonal agriculture jobs to 600,000 to 700,000 workers each year. Huron, the "Heart of the Valley,"is a city of 5,900 in western Fresno county with six bars, five gangs and a famous drug alley. Twice a year, when the lettuce is harvested, the population doubles. Gang members know that workers without bank accounts carry large amounts of cash, and robberies are common. It was oncedescribed as "knife-fight city," due the evening activitiesof some migrants who descend on the city.

Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Enrique dreams in $. Enrique (not his real name) , is a 35 year old undocumented farmworker from Mexico. To reach California, he paid a coyote $1200 and endured three straight days walking in the Arizona desert. His home, which was donated, is an overcrowded and moldy trailer. He is one of the lucky immigrants- others in town have to pay up to $400 a month for similar accomodations, with no running water or bathroom facilities. Although it is damp and cramped, he prefers the privacy over living in a shared room at the labor camps in town. About 39 percent of Huron's residents have incomes below the poverty line.

Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Enrique (not his real name), is a 35 year old undocumented farmworker from Mexico. To reach California, he paid a coyote $1200 and endured three straight days walking in the Arizona desert. His home, which was donated, is an overcrowded and moldy trailer. He is one of the lucky immigrants- others in town have to pay up to $400 a month for similar accomodations, with no running water or bathroom facilities. Although it is damp and cramped, he prefers the privacy over living in a shared room at the labor camps in town. About 39 percent of Huron's residents have incomes below the poverty line.

Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
As dawn breaks over Huron, the workday begins. Twice each year, when lettuce is harvested in the area, the population doubles and Huron becomes a Grand Central terminal for the migrant workforce. Laborers gather in the main street where buses line up to take them to the fields. Some are on contract, but many just hope for a shift each day. Gang members know that workers without bank accounts carry large amounts of cash, and robberies are common.

Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
As dawn breaks over Huron, the workday begins. Twice each year, when lettuce is harvested in the area, the population doubles and Huron becomes a Grand Central terminal for the migrant workforce. Laborers gather in the main street where buses line up to take them to the fields. Some are on contract, but many just hope for a shift each day.

Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Just outside of Huron, the mainly undocumented migrant workforce takes the back- breaking work of lettuce picking, which earns on average six to eight dollars an hour. California's Central Valley offers at least seasonal agriculture jobs to 600,000 to 700,000 workers each year. Huron, the "Heart of the Valley,"is a city of 5,900 in western Fresno county with six bars, five gangs and a famous drug alley. Twice a year, when the lettuce is harvested, the population doubles. Gang members know that workers without bank accounts carry large amounts of cash, and robberies are common. It was once described as "knife-fight city," due the evening activities of some migrants who descend on the city.

Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers
A team of immigrant farmworkers clean the remains of a harvested cauliflower field near Coachella, Ca.