Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers | RG_HiRes_ZumaNZ8V3061.jpg

Enrique dreams in $. Enrique (not his real name) , is a 35 year old undocumented farmworker from Mexico. To reach California, he paid a coyote $1200 and endured three straight days walking in the Arizona desert. His home, which was donated, is an overcrowded and moldy trailer. He is one of the lucky immigrants- others in town have to pay up to $400 a month for similar accomodations, with no running water or bathroom facilities. Although it is damp and cramped, he prefers the privacy over living in a shared room at the labor camps in town. About 39 percent of Huron's residents have incomes below the poverty line.
farmworker,illegal,undocumented,mexican,central american,immigrant,illegal immigrant,undocumented immigrant,central valley,california,huron,agriculture,manual labor,migrant,san joaquin valley,immigration,north america,usa