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Working In The Shadows; California's undocumented migrant farmworkers | RG_HiRes_ZumaNZ8V3061.jpg

Enrique dreams in $. Enrique (not his real name) , is a 35 year old undocumented farmworker from Mexico. To reach California, he paid a coyote $1200 and endured three straight days walking in the Arizona desert. His home, which was donated, is an overcrowded and moldy trailer. He is one of the lucky immigrants- others in town have to pay up to $400 a month for similar accomodations, with no running water or bathroom facilities. Although it is damp and cramped, he prefers the privacy over living in a shared room at the labor camps in town. About 39 percent of Huron's residents have incomes below the poverty line.

Enrique dreams in $. Enrique (not his real name) , is a 35 year old undocumented farmworker from Mexico. To reach California, he paid a coyote $1200 and endured three straight days walking in the Arizona desert. His home, which was donated, is an overcrowded and moldy trailer. He is one of the lucky immigrants- others in town have to pay up to $400 a month for similar accomodations, with no running water or bathroom facilities. Although it is damp and cramped, he prefers the privacy over living in a shared room at the labor camps in town. About 39 percent of Huron's residents have incomes below the poverty line.

farmworker,illegal,undocumented,mexican,central american,immigrant,illegal immigrant,undocumented immigrant,central valley,california,huron,agriculture,manual labor,migrant,san joaquin valley,immigration,north america,usa

working in the shadows
